Focus on God-Centered Worship (Video 5 of 7): Worldview and Aesthetics

Do you have a blind spot in your worldview? As Nancy Pearcey writes, the Enlightenment changed the nature of beauty and aesthetics in the arts. Today, beauty and meaning in the arts are seen by many as “subjective,” relative to personal preference. It is this type of thinking that makes qualitative judgments regarding the arts off-limits. Yet, Scripture speaks of God’s high standards for the arts. In this video, Shawn Eaton discusses the popular, classical, and Scriptural views of beauty. If the Church is to worship according to biblical principles, it must recover its understanding of the true nature of beauty, for beauty is rooted in the very nature and character of God.

Follow this link to read Dr. Eaton’s article, “Worldview and Aesthetics in God-Centered Worship”:

One thought on “Focus on God-Centered Worship (Video 5 of 7): Worldview and Aesthetics

  1. when I look at the natural beauty of creation, the colors, variety in plant and animal life, land and water, we can see with our own eyes what God thinks about beauty. He is the originator of it. His word tells us of how important the building of the tabernacle was in detail and He provided the men and even women in whom he gave skill to make what He wanted in a place to worship Him. I think we have lost that emphasis on beauty as a way of respecting the One who gave us life and a relationship with Him.

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