Worldview and Music in God-Centered Worship: Reclaiming the Keystone of Christian Culture

Follow this link to read my recent article: “Worldview and Music in God-Centered Worship: Reclaiming the Keystone of Christian Culture.” – Shawn Eaton

Christians are called to be in the world but not of it. We are called to be God’s truth bearers in every arena. As classical Christian education emphasizes, worldview is not transmitted by mere brute facts. Rather, the arts are primary means through which beliefs and values are transferred from one generation to the next. It is for this reason that the arts, particularly the music that we use in our services of worship, must be carefully evaluated for that which communicates a unity of truth. Therefore the Church should embrace the historic Christian worldview as the keystone of Christian culture, as only this worldview gives us the understanding of reality that we need to employ Christian wisdom in the arts, and thus form disciples that know and live Christian truth.

Focus on God-Centered Worship (Video 5 of 7): Worldview and Aesthetics

Do you have a blind spot in your worldview? As Nancy Pearcey writes, the Enlightenment changed the nature of beauty and aesthetics in the arts. Today, beauty and meaning in the arts are seen by many as “subjective,” relative to personal preference. It is this type of thinking that makes qualitative judgments regarding the arts off-limits. Yet, Scripture speaks of God’s high standards for the arts. In this video, Shawn Eaton discusses the popular, classical, and Scriptural views of beauty. If the Church is to worship according to biblical principles, it must recover its understanding of the true nature of beauty, for beauty is rooted in the very nature and character of God.

Follow this link to read Dr. Eaton’s article, “Worldview and Aesthetics in God-Centered Worship”: